The Citadel
Class Of 1991
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Classmates In Texas: 21
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Newest Members
Andrew Berger (Berger)
Frank Coppersmith
Paul Davies (O Company)
Jay Dorsey (F Company)
Brett Jackson (H Company)
S. W. Johns (G Company)
Suppawat Kosumsuppamala (I …)
Greg Lanier (C Company)
Nathaniel Maxwell (C Company)
Kevin McAlpin (B Company)
David Miller II (H Company)
Victor Parziale (A Company)
Alexander Sarant
Edward Semones (M Company)
Craig Stricklin (R Company)
Father Mark (Fred) Telschow (C …)
Stephen Varnell (M Company)
Kevin Webb (N Company)
Robert Webster (R Company)
Terrance Young (K Company)
Rob Zeigler (K Company)